Supermove allows you to set up how much liberty your crew has when setting up their own schedule to Approve and Deny assigned jobs. This article will teach you where to locate these settings and the 3 types of setups which are…
- The office maintains Full Control over Crew Schedules.
- Crew controls their own schedule with the ability to Accept & Decline Jobs.
- Crew controls their schedule but cannot Decline Jobs on the day they are scheduled to work.
Crew Permission Settings
To find the Crew permission settings, please follow these steps
- Click into Settings
- Then into Staff
- Here you’ll see a tab called “Permissions
Permission Setups
The office maintains Full Control over Crew Schedules
This setup gives power to your admin-level user over the Crew. In other words, if a crew member needs to decline a job or update their schedule they need to ask a Supermove admin to update that for them.
To set this up, toggle on the settings shown in the following screenshot
Crew controls their own schedule with the ability to Accept & Decline Jobs
This setup gives power to your crew, it will allow them to input in the system the days a hours they will be available and to accept/decline jobs that they are assigned to.
To set this up, toggle on the settings shown in the following screenshot
Crew controls their schedule but cannot Decline Jobs on the day they are scheduled to work
This setup allows your crew to input in the system the days and hours they will be available, however when assigned to a job that falls within their schedule, it is auto-accepted.
To set this up, toggle on the settings shown in the following screenshot.
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