If you're seeing No Job on your shipments tab, that could be a sign to set your dates on the project page. This article will walk through how to manually set those dates for a one-time adjustment or automatically for a default setting moving forward.
Example of No Job status
Setting Project Dates
Manually Set Dates
1. Click into the Client Profile
2. Look for the Long Distance/Inter or Intrastate project and open it.
3. Make sure you have a Pack, Load and Deliver job added to the project so the dates show up.
Automatically Set Dates
1. Click on Settings
2. Then, click on View/Edit Project Types
3. Click on your preferred long distance move project type
4. For each job within that project type, click on the edit icon
5. Select the dates you would like to auto-set. You may choose to select all 3 dates if desired
6. Click on Save
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