This article goes through setting up your Warehouse and Container settings in Supermove. This is a crucial step before starting to use the Storage Module
Recommended Best Practices:
- Organizing warehouses by section may be helpful especially if containers tend to stay within a specific area of the warehouse only (e.g. vaults all stay in one section, pallets in another section. This would result in two warehouses, that may have the same address, but one is for vaults, the other is for pallets
- In some cases, a Warehouse section for staging or dock could be helpful to temporarily house containers that are waiting to be loaded/unloaded
Creating Warehouses
1. To begin, click on Settings on the top menu bar
2. Then scroll down to click on Manage Storage
3. Click on Go to Warehouses and Container Types
4. Click Create Warehouse in the top left-hand corner
5. Enter Warehouse Info and click Create
- Name: Required
- Address: Required
- Warehouse Notes: Optional
Creating Container Types
1. To begin, click on Settings on the left-hand toolbar
2. Then scroll down to click on Manage Storage
3. Click on Go to Warehouses and Container Types
4. Then, click on Container Types
5. Click on Create Container Type
6. In the information box, fill out the sections and click on Create
- Name: Required
- Dimensions: Optional
- Weight Capacity: Optional
- Description: Optional
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