This article covers the Storage Invoice process including:
- Invoice Settings
- Creating an Invoice
- Setting an invoice for Recurring Billing
- Invoice Statuses
Invoice Settings
Under Invoice Settings on the right-hand side, fill in the information and click on Create and Schedule to finalize the invoice
- Invoice Date - Required
- Payment Terms - Required
- Email Template - Required
Creating an Invoice
1. First, click on Storage from the left-side navigation
2. Select the Storage Project you wish to create an invoice for
3. From the main Project page, click on Create Invoice
4. Confirm customer information is correct and set the Bill to Information (you can set the Billing information to be the same as Customer Information)
5. Enter in the Bill Title
6. Select Bill Item(s)
7. Add in the Title Name for Bill Line Item
8. Add the Value and Quantity to Bill Item in order to update the total price
Setting Up Recurring Invoicing
1. You're also able to set up recurring invoicing for Storage in Supermove. Under Invoice Settings on the right-hand side, toggle Recurring Invoice to ON
2. From there, the invoice page opens up for you to set all of the information to make the invoice recurring for the customer
3. Once the information is set, you're able to select Create and Schedule to finalize the invoice.
Invoice Statuses
- Scheduled - Indicates an invoice is scheduled to be sent
- 🔄 Scheduled - Indicates the next scheduled invoice in a recurring series
- Unpaid - This is the status that is set once an invoice has been sent to the customer
- Paid - Customer has paid this invoice
- Overdue - The payment date is exceeded
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